Dilemma Resolved
Well. . .I resolved my dilemma from last night. Here's the result - Hung out with the students - had a great time!! HAD to go to Wal-Mart - cupboards were bare. Came home (about 9:30ish), put stuff up, fed the animals, grabbed a couple of sandwiches and crashed!! Superman Returns will have to wait for another time. So. . .here's today's dilemma - My dad and Jane are coming this weekend to visit for about a week and I've got soooo much to do - Mow, weed-eat, and edge the yard Clean the house - not really much to do, but still gotta get it done Get a haircut today - gotta keep up the good looks :) Serve at our Ladies Night Out tonight - love doing it! Complete lesson for Sunday morning Keep running the timeline for implementing Celebrate Recovery this fall Finish recruiting for Curriculum Team for our ABFs Get ready for July 4th cook-out - Dad will be here, he's good at cook-outs Still doesn't look like I'm going to see the movie, but then again, oh well! ...