Dilemma Resolved
Well. . .I resolved my dilemma from last night. Here's the result -
So. . .here's today's dilemma - My dad and Jane are coming this weekend to visit for about a week and I've got soooo much to do -
Well. . .as much this old, tired body wants to just sit and soak for a while, I've gotta get up and get going. I'll let you know how it goes.
- Hung out with the students - had a great time!!
- HAD to go to Wal-Mart - cupboards were bare.
- Came home (about 9:30ish), put stuff up, fed the animals, grabbed a couple of sandwiches and crashed!!
So. . .here's today's dilemma - My dad and Jane are coming this weekend to visit for about a week and I've got soooo much to do -
- Mow, weed-eat, and edge the yard
- Clean the house - not really much to do, but still gotta get it done
- Get a haircut today - gotta keep up the good looks :)
- Serve at our Ladies Night Out tonight - love doing it!
- Complete lesson for Sunday morning
- Keep running the timeline for implementing Celebrate Recovery this fall
- Finish recruiting for Curriculum Team for our ABFs
- Get ready for July 4th cook-out - Dad will be here, he's good at cook-outs
Well. . .as much this old, tired body wants to just sit and soak for a while, I've gotta get up and get going. I'll let you know how it goes.