Wild & Wooly Weekend

This morning I'm in recovery mode. After the weekend I had, I need it. It was a great weekend.

Friday night - into Saturday morning - hung out with some of our singles see (click here). Spent Saturday working around the house - put finishing touches on swing, cleaned the ol' Harley, went over lessons and message for Sunday night. Saturday night I led the young singles Bible study - Worshipping God in the Desert.

Sunday morning taught another of our singles' ABF. Sunday afternoon prepped for evening message and for ABF leadership meeting.

Sunday at 4:00 attended Financial Peace University class, at 5:00 led ABF leadershp meeting, at 6:15 shared message - 4 Lessons from the Valley, afterward went to eat with some of our singles. At 10:30 got home to feed the dogs and cats.

11:45 turned out the lights.

5:45 this morning alarm goes off - oh yeah that's when I'm supposed to get up - YEAH RIGHT!!

Need to kick it in gear!! NO! I didn't say, "I need a kick in the rear!" So stop drawing your foot back. . .there you go. . .put it on the floor. . .slowly. . .slowly. . .



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