Collecting Stuff

I'm not much for collecting stuff. I'm so A.D.D. that by the time I get interested in collecting something I forget I was collecting it and move on. My dad is great at collecting stuff. He has collected antique radios and victrolas (old record players you wind up), Coca-Cola memorabelia - his house is a museum, old cars - he buys one fixes it up then sells it, old pinball machines. . . you name it he's probably collected it at one time or another. Not me. Not really.

I was looking around my office this mornng and I realized I did have collected some stuff.

I have a collection of coffee cups/mugs people have given me over the years. Some have minsitry or church logos on them, even some that say Starbucks - yeah, go figure - , I even have one from the this year's Rose Bowl.

I also have a collection of toys. I use them with children when I am meeting with parents. I have a collection of foam and nerf balls, a pair of those really big sunglasses you get at someplace like Six Flags - they're stars, think Elton John sunglasses on steroids, I have whistles, and one of the clappers that makes and incredible racket when you wave it back and forth really fast.

I have a collection of books. I love books. I have commentaries, books on theology, devotionals, books of poetry, books on the church and leadership, biographies, and even a copy of Calvin & Hobbes somewhere around here.

As I look around, I find that I even have a collection of papers. My inbox if full of files and papers waiting to be filed. I have post-its next to my phone - I'm really good at collecting post-its. Then I have the ever-present collection of calendars and flyers from different ministries next to my computer.

So. . .I guess I do collect stuff.

What about you? What do you collect? You don't collect? Look around, probably find something you didn't even realize you collected!!



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