Why I Run

I have started running again. Instead of running in the heat of the afternoon here in LA, I have begun running in the morning. It's a little cooler, but just as humid. Running in the morning allows me to get it out of the way and get to the rest of my day. Currently my routine is based on time not on distance. This week workouts consisted of running continuously for 40 minutes with a 60 minute run on Saturday. I don't try to run a specific distance. I just run for 20 minutes then turn around and do it again. I get as far as my body feels. If I walk, so be it. This week has consisted of two great 40-minute runs. I can't wait for Saturday's run. I've always enjoyed running. When I was in high school I won second place in our FCA Turkey Trot 2-Miler. I surprised even me. The first place guy was a state mile champion - go figure. The summer I graduated high school (1980 - huge heat wave, remember?) I ran 3 miles under 15 minutes. Of course I don't thi...