King of Pop?

"King of Pop", that was the headline over Barry Bonds' picture tonight when I clicked on So Barry did it. He has overcome one of the most difficult and respected records in Major League Baseball - 755 home runs by Hank Aaron. On Tuesday night he hit number 756 against the Washington Nationals. Way to go Barry!
I have to admit that I'm not a Barry Bonds fan. I could really care less and wasn't rooting and hoping he would brake the record. I think he has no class or character. His pride and arrogance gets in the way of his incredible ability. And he's a jerk.
But I do know this about him - he can stinkin' hit a ball. In my mind there will always be this haze surrounding his accomplishment due to his suspected connection to steroid use all these years. Did he use? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. I don't know the facts, so I can't pipe in on this issue. In spite of all that, I do know that every batter that goes to the plate has to put wood on the ball. They have to be able to connect with that little white orb flying at him at 85-100 mph. It's not nearly as easy as it sounds. If it was there would be more guys doing it. Bonds has the uncanny ability to do just that - hit the ball. Every home run he hit wasn't a fluke. It was because Bonds HIT the ball!
So Barry, though I don't like you for many reasons, I appreciate your skill.
Still. . .will there, or should there, be an asterisk beside his name in the record books because of his suspected use/connection to steroid use? Who am I to say? What do you think?
Grand Juries and NOTHING found.
Let him enjoy,without an asterisk, all that his hard work and talent has brought to him.
Anonymous may be right, but don't make great statements and leave others to wonder - you can always sign your name.