Why I Run

Currently my routine is based on time not on distance. This week workouts consisted of running continuously for 40 minutes with a 60 minute run on Saturday. I don't try to run a specific distance. I just run for 20 minutes then turn around and do it again. I get as far as my body feels. If I walk, so be it. This week has consisted of two great 40-minute runs. I can't wait for Saturday's run.
I've always enjoyed running. When I was in high school I won second place in our FCA Turkey Trot 2-Miler. I surprised even me. The first place guy was a state mile champion - go figure. The summer I graduated high school (1980 - huge heat wave, remember?) I ran 3 miles under 15 minutes. Of course I don't think I weighed 150 lbs.
I like running because all I need is a pair of running shoes and a pair of shorts. I've run in fun runs, 5Ks, 10Ks, triathlons, run hills in East Texas, the flats and winds of North Central Texas, and the humidity of Lower Alabama. During this morning's run I began thinking about why I like to run so much. Here's a few thoughts of why I like to run.
- Not much in the way of investment - just some good shoes
- Don't always need a watch - sometimes I just run to run
- Lots of ways to do a work out - distance, slow/fast, sprints, fartletks
- Waving at the people going to work or coming home as they drive by
- Checking out the scenery I miss when I'm in the car
- Just being outdoors
- Running with friends - great conversations and time/distance goes by faster
- Challenging myself
- Don't need to go to the gym - just open the stinkin' door
- Running is not dependent upon the weather - I've run after and ice storm, in the heat, and in the rain
- Finishing always feels good
- Great "hanging with God" time
- Clears my head
- Keeps me active
- In the words of Freddy Mercury - "Escape from reality. . ."