
Showing posts from January, 2007

I'm Struggling a Bit

Tuesdays are my TV watching nights. I try to catch NCIS and House . NCIS was a repeat and I missed most of it picking up some groceries - the cats and me kinda get hungry on occasion. Did, however, watch House last night. Anyone else catch this episode? If you didn't House treats a girl who has been raped. She is very determined to keep the child. Dr. House wants her to terminate the pregnancy. At the end of the show they have a really good and honest conversation in the park. During which we find out she believes in eternity. He doesn't. The next scene is House playing foosball with his friend Dr. Wilson when House's boss, Dr. Cuddy, walks in to which House informs her that Eve - the rape victim - terminated her pregnancy and went home. OK, admittedly what I have shared is but a brief summary of the situation, but here's my question, How did Eve, who was so adamant about keeping her child, make the quick and seemingly easy leap to abort the child? I'm s...

My Dream Car

FOXnews reported that my dream car - a Shelby Cobra with 427 c.i. engine - went for $5.5 million. This was a special version it had 800 hp. Now that's fast! Guess I'll have to keep saving my pennies, eh? This wasn't the most ever paid for a car, but it was the most ever paid for an American-made car. Here's a peak at what it looks like. I can only imagine how fast I could get back to Texas on a trip with this thing. Mike

In the Books

Mark it down folks - it's in the books - the first ride of 2007. Yeah. . .yeah. . .yeah. . .I know I'm behind, but I'll do my best to make it up, even if it's on trainer. Now that my toes are thawed out I'm going to take a hot bath, grab some lunch and head to the local bike shop. Have a great weekend! Mike

H-n-H 100 - Bring it On!

Today - actually this week - I begin my training for the Hotter-n-Hell 100 in Wichita Falls, Texas. It's scheduled for Saturday, August 25th. It's called the Hotter-n-Hell for a reason - in August it's hotter than hell. I was there last July teaching at Camp Chaparral. On Tuesday it was 104 degrees at 11:00 am. So go figure. I have ridden it once before, but because of the incredible weather we had - it never got over 80 degrees due to a cool front blowing in over night - it was just a really good 100 mile bike ride with a lot of good friends. The last time I rode it - 2004 - I rode with the gang - Angelina Bike Club . They're a great group who know how to push you and get you ready. This year I am planning on riding with my buddy, Gene , from Plano, Texas. Gene is a monster when it comes to distance running and riding. He runs marathons, ultra-trail runs, rides bikes like a hammer head and he's got a new bike! Sooooo. . .I'm a little behind. Well, not...

A Policeman's Dream Come True

This has to be a policeman's dream come true - caffeinated doughnuts! Read about it here .

Diary of a Blonde!!!!!

Received this from a friend of mine. Had to post it. January - Took new scarf back to store because it was too tight. February - Fired from pharmacy job for failing to print labels...Helllloooo!!!....Bottles won't fit in the typewriter!!! March - Got really excited...finished jigsaw puzzle in 6 said "2-4 years!" April - Trapped on escalator for hours.... the power went out!!! May - Tried to make Kool-Aid.....wrong instructions...8 cups of water won't fit into those little packets!!! June - Tried to go water skiing.....couldn't find a lake with a slope. July - Lost breast stroke swimming competition.....learned later that the other swimmers cheated; they used their arms!!! August - Got locked out of my car in rain swamped because soft-top was open. September - The capital of California is "C".....isn't it??...

One Tough Mutha

Got a call from my brother, Jerry, on Monday. The conversation went something like this. JT - " Mom's in the emergency room." Me - " What's going on?" JT - "She fell at work and broke her hip." Me - "Do what?" (This is supposed to only happen to old people - not my mom) JT - "Yeah, she called me and I asked if she wanted me and Dad to come pick her up?" Me - "And. . . " JT - "She drove herself to the hospital." OK - here's the thing, the hospital was about 20-25 miles from her office. My mother broke her hip, went back to her desk to work, then drove herself to the hospital! Now that's stinkin' tough, no matter how you slice! I always knew that raising 3 boys made her tough. I also knew she was tough when she was the quarterback on an all-women's tackle football team (I was in the 8th grade - she wasn't exactly a spring chicken then either). But this is freakin' ridiculous! Spoke...

Compassion in the Midst of Your Own Valley

Matthew 14:13-14 As soon as Jesus heard the news, he left in a boat to a remote area to be alone. But the crowds heard where he was headed and followed on foot from many towns. Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. I know I shouldn't be, but I am still amazed at the heart of Jesus. Know what I mean? Here is Jesus - 100% human - just hearing the news that his cousin, John the Baptist, had been beheaded by some jerk of a ruler who was more concerned about saving face with his dinner guests, than doing what was right. Jesus wanted, and probably needed, some time alone - to mourn, grieve, and to pray. Yet, when he saw the crowd following Him, Matthew noted his compassion for the them. So what did He do? He ministered to their need. Not just their spiritual needs, but their physical needs as well - He fed over 5,000 men, women, and children (a number probably in the 10s-20 thousands). What an example for you an...

Just got this

The staff at North Mobile is encouraging our members to join us in reading through the New Testament this year. Some of us are reading through the entire Bible. If you would like to join us go to our web site at and click on the passages for the Daily Scripture Reading. Oh, and while you're there, check out the new look of our web site. Thanks to the work of our Pastor and staff it's been re-designed to fit our new strategy. Let me know what you think. As I was reading Genesis 1 , I noticed (verse 3) that God makes the light on the first day. But, it's not until the fourth day (verses 14-19) that He creates the sun and the moon. So if the light created on the first day wasn't from the sun, what was the source of the light? And not only did it not come from the sun, but it was separate from the darkness. So we have separate light and darkness without any source. The darkness I can attribute to the absence of light. It exists because there is no l...

Say it ain't so!

As much as I would like to think it isn't . . . it is. Nick Saban is leaving the Miami Dauphins for the Alabama Crimson Tide . This after he vehemently denied being interested in the job. Hmmm. . .sounds like Pat Forde of has it right. Read Pat's story here . Just something to think about. Mike

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Who came up with that phrase? I said it the other day at church and it struck me funny. Isn't my happiness based on circumstances - I'm happy 'till I slam my finger in the door. Ain't happy any more. So how long do you think most people will be happy? Are they happy until they begin getting the bills from Christmas? Are they happy until the beer runs out or their favorite football team looses? Are they happy until they have to go back to work? Are they happy until they realize that the guests they have been hosting has out-stayed their welcome? Being a believer, I rest in my joy. For my joy is internal and eternal. My joy is founded in my relationship with Jesus Christ. And if He will never leave me, nor forsake me, then I know I can never loose my joy. It's not circumstantial. This got me to thinking. . . hmmmmm. And I am now on a campaign to change Happy New Year to Joyous New Year! Maybe it will stick, maybe it won't. Regardle...

New Year's Stuff

Are you one of those people who make New Year's resolutions? I used to. . .don't any more. Now I make goals. Goals give me something to shoot for. Goals serves as a check to see if I'm on course. I kinda laugh at the responses I get when I ask people what their goals, resolutions, etc. are for the new year. I really like this one, " I want to be a better Christian. " What in the world does that mean? You're going to do things "better"? You're going to read your Bible - better? You're gong to share the gospel - better? You're going to pray - better? You're going to love your neighbor - better? Hey! Here's a news flash - just be the Christian God always wanted you to be in the first place!! That will be different. That will be "better." Actually get up and spend time with God. For some, tell someone about the change God has made in your life. Take some intentional time to talk with - not to God (with = list...