One Tough Mutha

Got a call from my brother, Jerry, on Monday. The conversation went something like this.

JT - "Mom's in the emergency room."

Me - "What's going on?"

JT - "She fell at work and broke her hip."

Me - "Do what?" (This is supposed to only happen to old people - not my mom)

JT - "Yeah, she called me and I asked if she wanted me and Dad to come pick her up?"

Me - "And. . . "

JT - "She drove herself to the hospital."

OK - here's the thing, the hospital was about 20-25 miles from her office. My mother broke her hip, went back to her desk to work, then drove herself to the hospital! Now that's stinkin' tough, no matter how you slice!

I always knew that raising 3 boys made her tough. I also knew she was tough when she was the quarterback on an all-women's tackle football team (I was in the 8th grade - she wasn't exactly a spring chicken then either). But this is freakin' ridiculous!

Spoke with her last night. No pain . . . no pain medicine. Surgery went well and she could be out by tomorrow (Thursday). She can start walking today - and probably will.

So. . .don't mess with me or my brothers. . .my mom can beat up up your dad. . .take my word for it.

Get better mom and take it easy - really. Love you!



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