I'm Struggling a Bit
Tuesdays are my TV watching nights. I try to catch NCIS and House. NCIS was a repeat and I missed most of it picking up some groceries - the cats and me kinda get hungry on occasion. Did, however, watch House last night. Anyone else catch this episode?
If you didn't House treats a girl who has been raped. She is very determined to keep the child. Dr. House wants her to terminate the pregnancy. At the end of the show they have a really good and honest conversation in the park. During which we find out she believes in eternity. He doesn't. The next scene is House playing foosball with his friend Dr. Wilson when House's boss, Dr. Cuddy, walks in to which House informs her that Eve - the rape victim - terminated her pregnancy and went home.
OK, admittedly what I have shared is but a brief summary of the situation, but here's my question, How did Eve, who was so adamant about keeping her child, make the quick and seemingly easy leap to abort the child?
I'm still struggling with this. I wondered if FOX was presenting abortion as a viable option to an unwanted pregancy. I thought how Eve was a victim of rape and how, in the end, when she did terminate the pregnancy people would say that it was okay because she had been a victim. I've ventured on the House message board to read what others are thinking and saying. One person stated that "FOX is not saying that Abortion is okay. " I wondered as I read this person's post - Are they speaking for FOX? If not, then how do they know what FOX is saying or not saying?
This is not the first time such a show has dealt with political hot-potatoes. TV shows have been addressing political issues for some time now. M*A*S*H used to be my favorite show. That was until one day I realized how political it was. I mean, I loved the one-liners Hawkeye and the other doctors would throw out. I loved the banter between the characters. I really enjoyed how the show could, at times, be completely sophomoric and, at times, be completely serious - take a leg or save it and risk a life? Then one day I realized how they seemed to turned everything into a political or moral issue. It wasn't really about doctors treating those who were injured in an incredibly horrific "conflict". It wasn't really about those involved - and their families. It became about making someone who was doing wrong the victim. And since they were simply a victim - of circumstances, situations, beliefs, etc. - then what they were doing or believing must be acceptable. At times, I found myself saying "Yeah! That's right." That was until I started asking what was the real issue?
Kinda felt like that last night. FOX may not be promoting abortion. Then again, here's another person who stood steadfastly for the life a child. . .until the end. So what was FOX promoting?
Sorry that this may be a downer to some. But in the end I hope it will help someone stop and ask very real and hard questions about the shows on TV.
I still will watch House. I like Dr. House.
And I think conflicts like the one on the show happen every day. Women. . .doctors. . .families all have to make choices like the one Eve was having to make. I just wonder how often they are so easily influenced? Maybe more than I would like to know.
If you didn't House treats a girl who has been raped. She is very determined to keep the child. Dr. House wants her to terminate the pregnancy. At the end of the show they have a really good and honest conversation in the park. During which we find out she believes in eternity. He doesn't. The next scene is House playing foosball with his friend Dr. Wilson when House's boss, Dr. Cuddy, walks in to which House informs her that Eve - the rape victim - terminated her pregnancy and went home.
OK, admittedly what I have shared is but a brief summary of the situation, but here's my question, How did Eve, who was so adamant about keeping her child, make the quick and seemingly easy leap to abort the child?
I'm still struggling with this. I wondered if FOX was presenting abortion as a viable option to an unwanted pregancy. I thought how Eve was a victim of rape and how, in the end, when she did terminate the pregnancy people would say that it was okay because she had been a victim. I've ventured on the House message board to read what others are thinking and saying. One person stated that "FOX is not saying that Abortion is okay. " I wondered as I read this person's post - Are they speaking for FOX? If not, then how do they know what FOX is saying or not saying?
This is not the first time such a show has dealt with political hot-potatoes. TV shows have been addressing political issues for some time now. M*A*S*H used to be my favorite show. That was until one day I realized how political it was. I mean, I loved the one-liners Hawkeye and the other doctors would throw out. I loved the banter between the characters. I really enjoyed how the show could, at times, be completely sophomoric and, at times, be completely serious - take a leg or save it and risk a life? Then one day I realized how they seemed to turned everything into a political or moral issue. It wasn't really about doctors treating those who were injured in an incredibly horrific "conflict". It wasn't really about those involved - and their families. It became about making someone who was doing wrong the victim. And since they were simply a victim - of circumstances, situations, beliefs, etc. - then what they were doing or believing must be acceptable. At times, I found myself saying "Yeah! That's right." That was until I started asking what was the real issue?
Kinda felt like that last night. FOX may not be promoting abortion. Then again, here's another person who stood steadfastly for the life a child. . .until the end. So what was FOX promoting?
Sorry that this may be a downer to some. But in the end I hope it will help someone stop and ask very real and hard questions about the shows on TV.
I still will watch House. I like Dr. House.
And I think conflicts like the one on the show happen every day. Women. . .doctors. . .families all have to make choices like the one Eve was having to make. I just wonder how often they are so easily influenced? Maybe more than I would like to know.