New Year's Stuff
Are you one of those people who make New Year's resolutions? I used to. . .don't any more. Now I make goals. Goals give me something to shoot for. Goals serves as a check to see if I'm on course. I kinda laugh at the responses I get when I ask people what their goals, resolutions, etc. are for the new year. I really like this one, "I want to be a better Christian." What in the world does that mean? You're going to do things "better"? You're going to read your Bible - better? You're gong to share the gospel - better? You're going to pray - better? You're going to love your neighbor - better?
Hey! Here's a news flash - just be the Christian God always wanted you to be in the first place!! That will be different. That will be "better." Actually get up and spend time with God. For some, tell someone about the change God has made in your life. Take some intentional time to talk with - not to God (with = listening). What if you used the giftedness, abilities, passions, and experiences to serve God?
Some people want "better", whatever that is. I just want more. I just want more time. . .more intentional. . .more opportunities. . .more courage. . . more sincerity. . . more purposeful.
Instead of being better, let's get a hold of more. That will make us "better".
Happy New Year! Oh, by the way, who came up with the Happy New Year thing. Isn't my happiness determined by my circumstances. . . another post for another time.
Hey! Here's a news flash - just be the Christian God always wanted you to be in the first place!! That will be different. That will be "better." Actually get up and spend time with God. For some, tell someone about the change God has made in your life. Take some intentional time to talk with - not to God (with = listening). What if you used the giftedness, abilities, passions, and experiences to serve God?
Some people want "better", whatever that is. I just want more. I just want more time. . .more intentional. . .more opportunities. . .more courage. . . more sincerity. . . more purposeful.
Instead of being better, let's get a hold of more. That will make us "better".
Happy New Year! Oh, by the way, who came up with the Happy New Year thing. Isn't my happiness determined by my circumstances. . . another post for another time.