Just got this

The staff at North Mobile is encouraging our members to join us in reading through the New Testament this year. Some of us are reading through the entire Bible. If you would like to join us go to our web site at www.fbnm.org and click on the passages for the Daily Scripture Reading. Oh, and while you're there, check out the new look of our web site. Thanks to the work of our Pastor and staff it's been re-designed to fit our new strategy. Let me know what you think.

As I was reading Genesis 1, I noticed (verse 3) that God makes the light on the first day. But, it's not until the fourth day (verses 14-19) that He creates the sun and the moon. So if the light created on the first day wasn't from the sun, what was the source of the light? And not only did it not come from the sun, but it was separate from the darkness. So we have separate light and darkness without any source.

The darkness I can attribute to the absence of light. It exists because there is no light. Then you have light - without a contributive source - that doesn't completely overtake the darkness.

Hmmmmm. . .never caught that before.

What are your thoughts - the source for the light, God's ability to speak into being a sourceless light and control it to the point that it doesn't completely overpower existing darkness, the awesomeness of God?

Let me know.

Still in wonder of Almighty God,


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