H-n-H 100 - Bring it On!
Today - actually this week - I begin my training for the Hotter-n-Hell 100 in Wichita Falls, Texas. It's scheduled for Saturday, August 25th. It's called the Hotter-n-Hell for a reason - in August it's hotter than hell.
I was there last July teaching at Camp Chaparral. On Tuesday it was 104 degrees at 11:00 am. So go figure.
I have ridden it once before, but because of the incredible weather we had - it never got over 80 degrees due to a cool front blowing in over night - it was just a really good 100 mile bike ride with a lot of good friends.
The last time I rode it - 2004 - I rode with the gang - Angelina Bike Club. They're a great group who know how to push you and get you ready. This year I am planning on riding with my buddy, Gene, from Plano, Texas. Gene is a monster when it comes to distance running and riding. He runs marathons, ultra-trail runs, rides bikes like a hammer head and he's got a new bike!
Sooooo. . .I'm a little behind. Well, not actually. I've got, what, 7 . . . 8 months to get ready? I'll be ready.
So bring it on!
Oh, by the way it's like 39 degrees this morning with possible showers this morning. Got to get going or I won't make it!
I was there last July teaching at Camp Chaparral. On Tuesday it was 104 degrees at 11:00 am. So go figure.
I have ridden it once before, but because of the incredible weather we had - it never got over 80 degrees due to a cool front blowing in over night - it was just a really good 100 mile bike ride with a lot of good friends.
The last time I rode it - 2004 - I rode with the gang - Angelina Bike Club. They're a great group who know how to push you and get you ready. This year I am planning on riding with my buddy, Gene, from Plano, Texas. Gene is a monster when it comes to distance running and riding. He runs marathons, ultra-trail runs, rides bikes like a hammer head and he's got a new bike!
Sooooo. . .I'm a little behind. Well, not actually. I've got, what, 7 . . . 8 months to get ready? I'll be ready.
So bring it on!
Oh, by the way it's like 39 degrees this morning with possible showers this morning. Got to get going or I won't make it!