Ten Towns Tour
Ok, so this week I was not a convert (see last post ). No. . .I was way to busy getting ready for the Ten Towns Tour. The Ten Towns Tour is our in-house singles retreat. The name came from a passage of Scripture I read while putting the prep stuff together for this retreat. Our church's emphasis this month has been missions and evangelism. So, I wanted something that would challenge and encourage NoMo (short for North Mobile) Singles to reach other singles. As I was getting ready for the retreat and putting the pieces together I read Mark 5:1-20 . In this passage Jesus casts a legion (many) demons out of a man who was living in a cemetary and presumed to be crazy by the locals. No kidding? I would probably be crazy, too, especially if they were the demons of women. Can you imagine that many voices telling you what to do? YIKES!! ANYWAY. . .Jesus casts the demons into the pigs and they run into the sea - the first Bay of Pigs. :) When Jesus was ready to head out (he was s...