Ten Towns Tour

Ok, so this week I was not a convert (see last post). No. . .I was way to busy getting ready for the Ten Towns Tour.

The Ten Towns Tour is our in-house singles retreat. The name came from a passage of Scripture I read while putting the prep stuff together for this retreat. Our church's emphasis this month has been missions and evangelism. So, I wanted something that would challenge and encourage NoMo (short for North Mobile) Singles to reach other singles.

As I was getting ready for the retreat and putting the pieces together I read Mark 5:1-20. In this passage Jesus casts a legion (many) demons out of a man who was living in a cemetary and presumed to be crazy by the locals. No kidding? I would probably be crazy, too, especially if they were the demons of women. Can you imagine that many voices telling you what to do? YIKES!! ANYWAY. . .Jesus casts the demons into the pigs and they run into the sea - the first Bay of Pigs. :) When Jesus was ready to head out (he was sort of asked to leave) the man came to Him and asked, no he begged, pleaded with Jesus to go with Him. Jesus sent Him away and told the man, who was now in his right mind, cleaned up, AND clothed, to go back to his own people and tell them the difference the Lord had made in his life. So he goes to the Decapolis - The Ten Towns - telling his story about the difference the Lord had made in his life. And the people were amazed!!!

We continue the retreat this morning. This afternoon they will have a little project that incorporates trading stuff and applying what they have been and will learn today. Can't reveal what it is just yet - they may be reading this.

With that . . .tootles. More tonight! Stay tuned. . .same Bat channel, same . . .bat something or another!



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