Monday, was, in fact, my birthday. I kinda view birthdays like my dad - everyday you're another year older. . .think about that one. AND it puts me another year closer to AARP discounts. Man! I can't wait to get those discounts. Yes, I'm my father's son. Though I don't put much stock in celebrating birthdays, I have to say that my incredible wife, Cindy, made it very special. First, she gave me a Kindle . She was tired of all the books I keep bringing home that we don't we don't have space for. And, she reminded me that my night stand does not count as a book shelf. WHAT?! Since when? She also got me a new sweatshirt - they work with the changing weather up here and they are super comfortable. She also got me a new bag. What kind of new bag?, you ask. A new gym bag. She was tired of my excuses for not going and working out. And, yes, I've already used it. So, I guess it's working. Then she had our friend, Christine, make this incred...