God in the Mundane
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
~ 1 Corinthians 10:31 ~
~ 1 Corinthians 10:31 ~
Can't tell you how many times I have read this verse or how many times I have quoted it to others. Trust me, it's been a lot! But my context has always been about what WE DO. . .as in do your best for God. Now that's not a bad thing. Yet, Os Chambers rattled my thinking a little this morning when he reminded me that it's not about me, but about God. WHAT?!
Isn't that how we often react when we hear something like that? OK, maybe I'm the only pagan here.
What we do or say or think is never about us. It's about God. What we do reflects on God's character and nature within us. And Paul says that even the ordinary, mundane things like eating and drinking ought to be done in such a way that God is pleased and draws attention to God and away from us.
If we were to look at the life of Jesus we would find that He often did some incredible stuff for God in the midst of the ordinary and mundane - eating with "sinners", a wedding (OK that's more like a party), walking alongside a road or along the shoreline of a lake, or strolling through the countryside or village.
Here's the cool thing. I don't have to do something HUGE to make a difference. God can make a difference in the life someone when I hold the door open for a lady, say "Thank You" to a waiter, or by saying "Hello" to someone you meet, or "Hey!" if it's a guy. Yeah, ladies, that's how we roll.
In the ordinary and mundane of today, bring glory to God. And if you think your above that, just remember that God became as a baby.
Thanks Mr. Chambers for the reminder,