Though I don't put much stock in celebrating birthdays, I have to say that my incredible wife, Cindy, made it very special. First, she gave me a Kindle. She was tired of all the books I keep bringing home that we don't we don't have space for. And, she reminded me that my night stand does not count as a book shelf. WHAT?! Since when?
She also got me a new sweatshirt - they work with the changing weather up here and they are super comfortable. She also got me a new bag. What kind of new bag?, you ask. A new gym bag. She was tired of my excuses for not going and working out. And, yes, I've already used it. So, I guess it's working.
Then she had our friend, Christine, make this incredible cake that looked my iPhone and it was more than good! Pretty ingenious and creative if you ask me. Thanks Christine!
Did get a new ski-hiking-wet weather-wind blowing jacket with some birthday money. That's really cool.
For the special birthday dinner? Why we spent the most lovely evening at 5 Guys Burgers & Fries. Oh-stinkin'-my! A burger and fries never tasted so good.
So, while I don't get into birthdays, I have to say that I really enjoyed this one.
Thanks to all who made it special. Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes on Facebook, through calls, and sent cards. They are all very much appreciated!
And if I'm another year older everyday, then shouldn't I be getting more presents? Just thinking out loud.