Comfortable Places
It's starting to get cooler here in the northwest. That means there's a bit of chill in the air when I get up. To take care of that I grab a cup of coffee and flip on the fireplace. Isn't there something inherently wrong with "flipping on" or "turning on" a fire? Seems strange, but glad I don't have to buy or cut wood or have to start a fire, though that would be the more manly thing to do, eh?
Anyway. . .if Dot the cat happens to get up with me I will usually find her lying soundly and comfortably in front of the fireplace. . .sleeping peacefully. Yep, that's her comfort place. That's the place where, when all else isn't going her way - nobody to play with or not getting to go outside - she finds solace and comfort.
I was thinking about that this morning and had a couple of thoughts on comfortable places.
First, comfortable places let us let our hair down and be real. Comfortable places are relaxing, almost rejuvenating. Comfortable places, like comfortable people, allow us to be us. . .drop the masks. . .the pretensions. . .the expectations. . .and just be us. Comfortable places for me include almost any coffee shop - usually a Starbucks - my office at home, in my truck, in/on the mountains.
Second, I was reminded that sometimes we like comfortable places in our relationship with God. They feel good and they fit. It's where we connect with the Father. Why wouldn't we want to stay there? But, I think, comfortable places keep us from growing in our trust of God and expanding His kingdom. If all I do is hang out in my office at home, I may write great blogs (stop snickering. . .alright, get up off the floor and stop that laughing) and spend time with God, but I will never be Jesus to the neighbor across the street who needs a friend or has a need. I'll never be Jesus with skin on to a world who needs Jesus.
OH, before I forget! Churches, small groups, Sunday schools classes, and homes are great comfort places. . .just sayin'.
So, where's your comfortable place and what keeps you from getting out of it.
Shoot! Just missed my neighbor!
Anyway. . .if Dot the cat happens to get up with me I will usually find her lying soundly and comfortably in front of the fireplace. . .sleeping peacefully. Yep, that's her comfort place. That's the place where, when all else isn't going her way - nobody to play with or not getting to go outside - she finds solace and comfort.
I was thinking about that this morning and had a couple of thoughts on comfortable places.
First, comfortable places let us let our hair down and be real. Comfortable places are relaxing, almost rejuvenating. Comfortable places, like comfortable people, allow us to be us. . .drop the masks. . .the pretensions. . .the expectations. . .and just be us. Comfortable places for me include almost any coffee shop - usually a Starbucks - my office at home, in my truck, in/on the mountains.
Second, I was reminded that sometimes we like comfortable places in our relationship with God. They feel good and they fit. It's where we connect with the Father. Why wouldn't we want to stay there? But, I think, comfortable places keep us from growing in our trust of God and expanding His kingdom. If all I do is hang out in my office at home, I may write great blogs (stop snickering. . .alright, get up off the floor and stop that laughing) and spend time with God, but I will never be Jesus to the neighbor across the street who needs a friend or has a need. I'll never be Jesus with skin on to a world who needs Jesus.
OH, before I forget! Churches, small groups, Sunday schools classes, and homes are great comfort places. . .just sayin'.
So, where's your comfortable place and what keeps you from getting out of it.
Shoot! Just missed my neighbor!