This is the day we are to give thanks. So what am I thankful for? A God who loves me and is faithful to never leave me or forsake me! A wife who trusts me because I trust God and is willing to pack up and ride across this amazing country of our to follow Him. A new place to serve God. For family who supports us and is sad that we are not closer Friends who still keep in touch Stacey - just being the voice on the other side of the phone is all I need sometimes, but is often time much more The opportunity to make new friends Getting to live where an outside activity doesn't have to include a gun, 4-wheeler, or a boat Churches who have been there for me throughout my ministry -Legacy, Carpenter's Way, & North Mobile Opportunity to serve with/under pastors who love God, are transparent, and want to see people meet Jesus all over this world My friends in Tanzania & Tanzania itself - it's where God showed us we were supposed to be in missions - and we are! Parents (both ...