
Showing posts from December, 2007

Looking Ahead

2008 is almost upon us! Are you ready? I am. I don't make resolutions anymore and I'm not all that good at keeping goals unless I have someone holding me accountable. I am looking forward to 2008 for several reasons: Serving with Cindy Going back to Tanzania this summer Teaching guys the ManHeart Challenge - camps, retreats, etc. Taking ManHeart Ministries to the local church Working on the house - believe it or not! New adventures and experiences New relationships Building on existing relationships Watching God do something miraculous Getting fit again What about you? You looking forward to something special? Hope so! Mike

Looking Back

I often don't spend a lot of time looking back. Usually it's due to the fact that I have so many other things going on that I just don't have time or I don't make the time. But this morning's different. I'm up with a cup of Starbucks in my office and it's quiet. . .really quiet. I tried spending some time with God, but kept thinking about this past year. And man what a difference a year makes. . .not bad, just different. It started with a passion. A passion to minister to guys in a new and different way than I had experienced when God transformed my life at 28 (yes, that was many moons ago). Then I began sharing that passion with others, especially men. I began explaining the message that God had challenged me with. One of those men was Scott White. Scott's one of the pastors at North Mobile and now a director of ManHeart Ministry. He's the guy I would go to for ministry input and ideas and help with small groups or outreach or singles or ...

Today's the Day!

Ok, so you're asking yourself, " Self, what's Mike talking about? " I'm talking about cleaning the house. I know. . .I know. . .you probably thought it was some HUGE announcement. Sorry, but I'm just cleaning house. We've been putting it off because we've been moving stuff in and out and around. I think we're just about there and now I need to clean! So. . .I'm off to hang out with scrubbing bubbles and Mr. Clean and the Dirt Devil in the wonderful land of Pine Sol. I'll write if I get work! Mike

We're Getting There

Well. . .Cindy and I are making progress - getting her stuff combined with my stuff. The living room is about done. The office is about done. Our bedroom is just about finished. The dining room still has an extra couch in it - hopefully it will be gone by the weekend. The kitchen still has some boxes that we need to go through. And the guest room remains the "put it in there" room. But like I said, it's coming along. This after many trips to the Goodwill with clothes, old appliances, a fish tank that never had any fish in it, and stuff we both have "collected" over the years. I was reminded of some things about myself in this process. I like change as long as I'm in charge of it. And I don't like getting rid of stuff - "I might need that some day." Believe me, Cindy gets a lot more done when I'm out of the house and it doesn't take her near as long. She's like a freakin' whirlwind. We still have stuff to do - hanging...

Lesson From Sunday

I taught again this past Sunday - it was the singles ABF I taught before I left to pursue ManHeart Minsitries . Man - do I miss teaching! Thought I would share the gist of my lesson. As I do each year, I ask God to show me something new about the Christmas story. I read the OT passages that predict His coming. And I read the NT passages that tell of His coming. This year was something different. I've been reading Romans in preparation for teaching a winter Bible study for a local church. As I was finishing up chapter 1 I read this: 16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 17 For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." It hit me, or the Spirit hit me, that the gospel that is the power of God for salvation to all who believe is the same ...

Christmas Trees Make a Difference

As I've mentioned before Cindy and I are in the process of moving her stuff to the house, and in the process making my house into our home. It's been difficult at times simply because I feel like I'm moving the same boxes from room to room and we're running out of storage space. Yesterday, in the midst of putting some stuff up in the attic I pulled down the Christmas tree and my two boxes of ornaments and decorations. Last night we decorated the tree put and out what what we could with the space we have. Somehow, that tree with it's lights, decorations from two lives becoming one, and the little angel on top made a difference in me last night. For some reason it feels like Christmas to me. I can't explain it, it just does. It helps that the weather has been December-like for lower Alabama. It's been in the 60's during the day and the 30's at night. The air is crisp and clean. I love it!! OK, so it's not 10" of snow and temps in the ...

What a Weekend!

It's Monday afternoon and I'm about wasted! This weekend was a blur of activity. Saturday found us spending time with our friend, Rachel, and her family as they remembered her grandfather, Dr. W.C. Dobbs . He was a professor of theology, philosophy, and religion at the University of Mobile for 19 years. He was an acknowledged scholar, statesman, communicator of the gospel, lover of sports, family, friends, his wife, and most of all, His Lord. I know Rachel and her family will dearly miss him. Afterwards, we gathered with some more friends - Alice, Christi, Daniel, & Griff. We boxed up and moved most of her condo up to my house. The guys helped me move the big stuff. Props to Cindy for manning up and grabbing one end of the couch and helping me getting it out of her condo and into our house. Way to go sweetie!! Spent Saturday night re-arranging furniture, getting stuff set up, boxing up stuff, making a Good-Will pile and all the stuff you do when you move furniture...