Looking Back
I often don't spend a lot of time looking back. Usually it's due to the fact that I have so many other things going on that I just don't have time or I don't make the time. But this morning's different. I'm up with a cup of Starbucks in my office and it's quiet. . .really quiet. I tried spending some time with God, but kept thinking about this past year. And man what a difference a year makes. . .not bad, just different.
It started with a passion. A passion to minister to guys in a new and different way than I had experienced when God transformed my life at 28 (yes, that was many moons ago). Then I began sharing that passion with others, especially men. I began explaining the message that God had challenged me with. One of those men was Scott White. Scott's one of the pastors at North Mobile and now a director of ManHeart Ministry. He's the guy I would go to for ministry input and ideas and help with small groups or outreach or singles or any ministry help I needed for that matter. It was Scott who noticed a change in passion within me and joined me in praying about this new dream.
In March I went to see my friend Grant in Colorado. It was a great weekend. We got to say "DAM" a lot that weekend. Mainly because we went to the Denver Art Museum. But it was also cool to catch up with he and Amy and their family. I loved being with Grant because he doesn't play games. He's straight up with stuff, but does it in love. Grant gave me some stuff to think about that weekend that I've never forgot. Thanks Grant. It meant a lot for you to take time to hang with me.
I saw God open some doors for this new passion. In June, God moved me away from church staff to pursue ManHeart Ministries full time. So I stepped out on faith, following God's call. I was invited to be a part of two camps this past summer and a mission trip to Tanzania, Africa. One of the camps invited me to teach their guys - middle & high schoolers - the ManHeart Challenge. Another was an opportunity to invest in the lives of students as a group leader. In Tanzania I watched God move in me, through me, and around me as many Tanzanian's - some 6,000+ - invited Christ to be their Lord and Savior. I also watched Him bring together pastors of varying denominations for two separate pastor's conferences as they devoured the teachings of the pastors. I also had the opportunity to lead a men's retreat for Atascocita Community Church in October. I really enjoyed hanging out with a bunch of guys from a bunch of backgrounds who liked to do a bunch of different things. It was back in my old East Texas stomping grounds at Piney Woods Camp, so it was kinda like going home for a weekend. AND I got to spend some time with Stacey and Tammy and their family after the retreat.
I also lost a close friend in August - my dog Mix. Mix and I go way back and he was my only male dog. At times that made us the only males in the house! He was my buddy. We would chase cows together, go for rides, and he even got to run with a real live Hank the cow dog. Mix could catch a Frisbee when he was younger and chase a ball off the roof when he was older. He also loved like no other dog I know. I could be angry with him on minute and in another he would be at my side putting is head under my hand. I still have Dakota and Sadie. Dakota gave us a scare this fall when she started losing a lot of weight and became very lethargic. She's gaining her weight back and scampering around the back yard once again. Also have Lucy and Ranger, the lovable, hugable cats.
God also put a new person in my life - Cindy and her kitten, Dot. Cindy's creative, passionate, and loving. In August I asked her to be my wife. So. . .on top of beginning a new ministry I was planning a wedding. In November God joined our hearts and lives together and we began the process of merging two single lives into one marriage. It was a great time. Just about my entire family was able to be here. What a blessing it was to me to have my two brothers and both of my parents here for this special occasion. I want to thank them all for going above and beyond the call of duty to be here and and help with the plans. They were great and I think they still love me.
Combining two lives into one family has been an adventure, to say the least. At times it's been difficult for us both. Then there are the times where it's just been plain ol' fun! The hardest thing for me is getting rid of stuff. I'm a pack rat by nature so I haven't thrown stuff out for years and it collects (guess that's what stuff does). Just going through my clothes was an experience for me. I can't tell you how many shirts and sweaters and jeans I just don't wear anymore either because they don't fit or I just don't wear them. But then Cindy's an organizer. And while I can pack a car with weeks worth of clothes and equipment and still have room for the driver and the passenger I hate organizing stuff. It's too overwhelming for me. So I file by pile and stack books on the floor or on a shelf. Just so long as no one messes with my stacks of piles I'm fine. But because we are combining two houses into one that luxury got moved out (pun intended). There are new things and new looks and stuff is moved around and all the things you're supposed to do. I still have some closets to clean out and stuff to get rid of, but it will come. Hopefully sooner than later or Cindy's gonna beat me with a wet noodle and tell God I died of the measles.
Dot is learning to live with a new brother and sister and they are slowly getting used to each other. Dot and Lucy sleep with us in the bed at night. Ranger sleeps in his own chair in the office. They don't play together yet, thought they at least acknowledge each other. So life is good in the Shipp animal kingdom!
While Cindy was off for Christmas break we went to Tennessee, Clarksville, to be exact (it's just north of Nashville) to spend Christmas with her family. We had a great time hanging out, eating, watching football, sleeping in, going to see the Rockettes Christmas show which included a live nativity and closing with Handell's Hallelujah Chorus and a Nashville Predator's hockey game. We got back at the house last Friday and have been catching up ever since.
In all that has gone on this past year God has definitely taught me some new life lessons. Lessons like. . .
Life is different. I don't spend as freely as I did before. To tell you the truth I spend at all and God continues to provide. I have a loving wife. I know less about the future, even tomorrow for that matter, than, say, a year ago. My heart is sad for the most unusual things. I laugh more, I hang out more, and I'm learning more about myself.
In all that I've experienced and learned in 2007 I have come to love God more. I guess that's what we're supposed to do, eh? Just didn't think I would take this journey to learn how to do this and I wouldn't change it a bit. Would I do some things differently? Definitely! Would I make the same mistakes? Probably!
What's your year been like - the good, the bad, the ugly? Take some time before heading into 2008 and think about your year. And don't forget to thank God for all that He's done for you this year.
It started with a passion. A passion to minister to guys in a new and different way than I had experienced when God transformed my life at 28 (yes, that was many moons ago). Then I began sharing that passion with others, especially men. I began explaining the message that God had challenged me with. One of those men was Scott White. Scott's one of the pastors at North Mobile and now a director of ManHeart Ministry. He's the guy I would go to for ministry input and ideas and help with small groups or outreach or singles or any ministry help I needed for that matter. It was Scott who noticed a change in passion within me and joined me in praying about this new dream.
In March I went to see my friend Grant in Colorado. It was a great weekend. We got to say "DAM" a lot that weekend. Mainly because we went to the Denver Art Museum. But it was also cool to catch up with he and Amy and their family. I loved being with Grant because he doesn't play games. He's straight up with stuff, but does it in love. Grant gave me some stuff to think about that weekend that I've never forgot. Thanks Grant. It meant a lot for you to take time to hang with me.
I saw God open some doors for this new passion. In June, God moved me away from church staff to pursue ManHeart Ministries full time. So I stepped out on faith, following God's call. I was invited to be a part of two camps this past summer and a mission trip to Tanzania, Africa. One of the camps invited me to teach their guys - middle & high schoolers - the ManHeart Challenge. Another was an opportunity to invest in the lives of students as a group leader. In Tanzania I watched God move in me, through me, and around me as many Tanzanian's - some 6,000+ - invited Christ to be their Lord and Savior. I also watched Him bring together pastors of varying denominations for two separate pastor's conferences as they devoured the teachings of the pastors. I also had the opportunity to lead a men's retreat for Atascocita Community Church in October. I really enjoyed hanging out with a bunch of guys from a bunch of backgrounds who liked to do a bunch of different things. It was back in my old East Texas stomping grounds at Piney Woods Camp, so it was kinda like going home for a weekend. AND I got to spend some time with Stacey and Tammy and their family after the retreat.
I also lost a close friend in August - my dog Mix. Mix and I go way back and he was my only male dog. At times that made us the only males in the house! He was my buddy. We would chase cows together, go for rides, and he even got to run with a real live Hank the cow dog. Mix could catch a Frisbee when he was younger and chase a ball off the roof when he was older. He also loved like no other dog I know. I could be angry with him on minute and in another he would be at my side putting is head under my hand. I still have Dakota and Sadie. Dakota gave us a scare this fall when she started losing a lot of weight and became very lethargic. She's gaining her weight back and scampering around the back yard once again. Also have Lucy and Ranger, the lovable, hugable cats.
God also put a new person in my life - Cindy and her kitten, Dot. Cindy's creative, passionate, and loving. In August I asked her to be my wife. So. . .on top of beginning a new ministry I was planning a wedding. In November God joined our hearts and lives together and we began the process of merging two single lives into one marriage. It was a great time. Just about my entire family was able to be here. What a blessing it was to me to have my two brothers and both of my parents here for this special occasion. I want to thank them all for going above and beyond the call of duty to be here and and help with the plans. They were great and I think they still love me.
Combining two lives into one family has been an adventure, to say the least. At times it's been difficult for us both. Then there are the times where it's just been plain ol' fun! The hardest thing for me is getting rid of stuff. I'm a pack rat by nature so I haven't thrown stuff out for years and it collects (guess that's what stuff does). Just going through my clothes was an experience for me. I can't tell you how many shirts and sweaters and jeans I just don't wear anymore either because they don't fit or I just don't wear them. But then Cindy's an organizer. And while I can pack a car with weeks worth of clothes and equipment and still have room for the driver and the passenger I hate organizing stuff. It's too overwhelming for me. So I file by pile and stack books on the floor or on a shelf. Just so long as no one messes with my stacks of piles I'm fine. But because we are combining two houses into one that luxury got moved out (pun intended). There are new things and new looks and stuff is moved around and all the things you're supposed to do. I still have some closets to clean out and stuff to get rid of, but it will come. Hopefully sooner than later or Cindy's gonna beat me with a wet noodle and tell God I died of the measles.
Dot is learning to live with a new brother and sister and they are slowly getting used to each other. Dot and Lucy sleep with us in the bed at night. Ranger sleeps in his own chair in the office. They don't play together yet, thought they at least acknowledge each other. So life is good in the Shipp animal kingdom!
While Cindy was off for Christmas break we went to Tennessee, Clarksville, to be exact (it's just north of Nashville) to spend Christmas with her family. We had a great time hanging out, eating, watching football, sleeping in, going to see the Rockettes Christmas show which included a live nativity and closing with Handell's Hallelujah Chorus and a Nashville Predator's hockey game. We got back at the house last Friday and have been catching up ever since.
In all that has gone on this past year God has definitely taught me some new life lessons. Lessons like. . .
- Trusting Him more - guess you would call that faith
- Trusting people more - I had become more cynical in the last couple of years
- Letting go of stuff - stuff is stuff
- Surrendering all areas of my life to Him
- Brokenness
- Don't give up on God - He doesn't give up on you
- Confession is good for the soul - it brings healing
- Thanksgiving - even for the little things
- Expectation - expecting God to do great things with the little you give him
- Prayer - praying for and about everything, even the seemingly small stuff
Life is different. I don't spend as freely as I did before. To tell you the truth I spend at all and God continues to provide. I have a loving wife. I know less about the future, even tomorrow for that matter, than, say, a year ago. My heart is sad for the most unusual things. I laugh more, I hang out more, and I'm learning more about myself.
In all that I've experienced and learned in 2007 I have come to love God more. I guess that's what we're supposed to do, eh? Just didn't think I would take this journey to learn how to do this and I wouldn't change it a bit. Would I do some things differently? Definitely! Would I make the same mistakes? Probably!
What's your year been like - the good, the bad, the ugly? Take some time before heading into 2008 and think about your year. And don't forget to thank God for all that He's done for you this year.