Light Among Light?
In Matthew 5:14, Jesus says, " You are the light of the world. " In John 1:5, John writes," The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. " I was thinking about being light and darkness this morning. I wondered how many of us Christ-followers are more apt to be light among the light rather than light among the darkness ? I mean, it's soooo much easier to be a Christ-follower among other Christ-followers. Isn't it? When you think about it, you don't even have to be the brightest light in the room, there's no need. If someone's light is brighter it will drown out your dim light. Even a bunch of dim lights will appear to give off so much light there's no need for our light to shine any brighter. Gotta admit, it's a much bigger risk to be light among the darkness of this world where the ruler of evil reigns. Think about it, how many lost friends do you have at work…in your neighborhood…in the communi...