How to Fight for Your Family

Let's begin with a couple of questions:

  1. What are some words you would use to define family?

  2. How would you define the state of the family in today's culture?

Are those two lists comparable or contrasting?  Why do you think that is?

I think our expectations or perspectives of the family is way different than the reality of the state of the family in our culture.  I know that's not true in every family and in every community, but look around folks, it ain't getting better.

Let me ask you a couple of more questions:
  1. How are you helping to build and strengthen a God-honoring family in your home?

  2. How would you asses your family's desire to build a God-honoring family?
How did you do with those two questions?  Were they a little more difficult to answer?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I know many families who have a strong desire to honor God and make Him the center of their home, but they just don't know how or even where to begin.

Guess what?!  We are kinda like Home Depot - "You can do it, we can help!"

To learn more about how you can Fight for Your Family and begin Winning at Home join us this Sunday, (Jan 10th) at Wynne Baptist Church at 9 & 10:30 am for worship and Bible study (we have worship & Bible study at each hour).

Here's what you will get:

  • You will learn how to fight for your family no matter your life stage.
  • You will discover tools to help strengthen your family on an ongoing basis.
  • You will have an opportunity to identify next-step ideas to implement over the following 120 days.

I can't wait!!  Hope to see you there!


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