Faith Heard Around the World

This Thursday (Jan 21) at 5:45 am our men's Bible study will kickoff a new study entitled Romans:  The Power to Change.  If you're a guy in the Wynne community you are invited to join us for breakfast and Bible study.  Yep, breakfast is your reward for getting up that early.

I'm reading ahead and was walking through chapter 1 when verse 8 kinda struck me:
"First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world."
 Ok, you gotta understand that Paul is in Corinth about to head to Jerusalem and he has been hearing about the faith of the brothers and sisters living in polytheistic Rome.  They were living dependent upon God! Is that some of faith or what?

Man, that ain't my faith.  It's not being reported across the known world.  If I was honest, it's barely being reported outside of my home.

You see, I live in a pretty safe environment.  It doesn't cost me anything to say that I am a Christ-follower in our community.   It's a place of churches of several denominations.  Each call themselves Christians.  Proclaiming my loyalty to Jesus doesn't affect me negatively.  I have lived in communities where that isn't the case, but here in Wynne, it is.  As I often say, "It is what it is."

Ok, so I don't live in an difficult or antagonistic culture.  But what about everyday life - relationships, work, play, finances, health issues, ministry, or any of the myriad of circumstances I find myself on a daily basis?  Do I trust God in and through any of them?  Great question, eh?

You see, God doesn't want me to have the faith of the Roman believers or even of Paul.  He does expect me to have the faith…my faith… to follow Him…to trust Him no matter where and what I find myself.

What about you?  How are you at trusting God?  Is your faith growing deeper and stronger?  Are you learning to trust Him in new ways and circumstances?



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