I meet with a couple of guys each week in a discipling relationship - hope that makes sense. As part of our time together I ask them about their times with God the previous week. I want to know that they are working towards having a consistent and meaningful time with God. I believe it's difficult lead and feed their families if they aren't feeding themselves first. Kinda like a momma bird feeding her new hatchlings - probably a bad example for guys, but hopefully you get the picture. To help one of them I showed them the "ACTS " model of prayer. I learned it years ago reading Bill Hybels ' book, Too Busy Not to Pray . It was one of those books that I read early on in my own discipling process that continues to impact me. In case you're interested here's what ACTS stands for: Adoration - worshipping God for who He is - majestic, mighty, gracious, loving, a strong tower, etc. Confession - confessing to God where we've messed u...