Pastor Clusters

I spent this past week traveling with Joe Flegal of the Northwest Baptist Convention.  Joe used to do my job at Greater Gresham and has become a great friend and source of wisdom.  He also has a HUGE heart for churches in the northwest.  To help pastors and their churches he has put together what he calls Pastor Clusters around the northwest that meet together monthly to grow, encourage, learn, and help each other. 

So you're probably wondering, "So why were you meeting with them?"  Great question.  I was sharing our strategy for making disciples through Adult Bible Fellowships.  I'm not writing to tell you what I shared with them, but to say that there are some incredibly courageous, faithful, and godly men leading God's people in the northwest.  And you should be praying for them, their folks, and the impact they desire to have on their communities.

If you were one of these men, know that I'm praying for you.  Keep up the fight.  Stay the course of God's calling on your life and His purpose for your church. Continue to strive for the prize that lies ahead.  For your reward is great!

You blessed me more than you will ever know.



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