
It's Monday afternoon and it's been a busy day for me:
  • 7:00 am meeting with a friend,
  • Afterwards, I'm in the office touching base with the staff - catching up from the weekend, preparing for the week, etc.
  • Inbox - that's a day in itself
  • To-Do's for the week
  • Phone call meeting with another friend
  • Best Buy to pick up cables to relocate a printer to another PC
  • Crawling under desks to relocate printer - Yea! It worked!!!
  • Follow-up phone calls
  • Research this afternoon
  • Preparing for tomorrow's meetings with staff
I guess I'm saying all this to say that I'm not sure that Mondays are all that bad.  I think it's how we choose to look at them.  For me, today has been pretty productive and I still have time left to tie up some loos ends.

Don't let "Mondays" get in your way.  It's a chance to start the week off right. . .with a good attitude.  CHOOSE to live life to the fullest TODAY!

Got to get ready for tomorrow. . .see ya!



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