While on My Morning Run

This morning I hit the streets on a 4.3 mile run. It's my first 4-miler in a very long time. It was my long run day - taking it slow and easy. I loved getting out and enjoying the run. One thing I've learned about running or cycling is that you never know what you will run into, see, or experience. This morning about half-way through the run I noticed something unusual coming toward me on Celeste Road. As it got closer and closer I noticed it's unmistakable shape. . .it was a DeLorean . That's right, a DeLorean! Remember the movie series, Back to the Future , featuring Michael J. Fox ? Remember the car he used to go back in time in? This was that same car - OK, probably not the actual car, but the same model. image copyright © 2006, Peter Kirchgeßner I remember the DeLorean in it's hey-day. It was smooth, sleek, and stinkin' fast. One came up beside me one day on my way home on the Dallas Tollway. Two hills was all it took for me to loose sight of ...