U2 3D

My buddy Bob called yesterday and said he had an extra ticket to see U2 3D. MAN OH MAN! If you haven't seen this movie - go see it, especially if you're a U2 fan. If you're not, go see it because the entire movie is in 3D.
It's a stadium concert of their Vertigo tour in South America. Between the graphics on the mega-screen behind them, to the on-screen graphics, to the sense that you're right there with them . . .it's all so incredible. I'm probably going again. I would love for Cindy to see it.
I have to say there's something about seeing Bono right in front of you or Adam Clayton sticking the neck of his bass guitar right in your face.
The editing was incredible. Not only do you see the concert from different angles from the audience, but you also get close ups, shots from above, behind, from the side, and blended shots. All of them in 3D.
When we went it we were given our 3D glasses - not the paper, red & blue kind I've used in the past, but they were black, horned-rimmed, Roy Orbison style glasses. OK, so I thought they were kinda cool. So, if you don't like the movie you do go home with some cool glasses.
Just take it from me - go see the movie!