
Showing posts from November, 2005

A lesson for the ages

If there's one thing I learned from a fellow man - never allow police to approach you with tasers, especially if you're naked. According to this article police found a man naked, breaking windows and asking women to touch him. When police approached him he ran and that's when the pain of the ages catches up with this guy. The police shot their tasers and one of the prongs attached itself to his genitalia. That's a pain I don't even want to think about. I'm sure he didn't either. So. . .lesson learned? If you're naked and the police approach you and they're carrying tasers - DON'T RUN!! I'm still squinting, Mike

Whew! Glad that's over

It's been a long day. We "kicked" it off at about 6:00 this morning getting ready to drive to College Station, Texas for the Texas/Texas A&M game. While it's been a long day, it's certainly been a good one. This was my first game at Kyle Field and it was a great experience. I must say, though I didn't attend Aggieland, I appreciate it's traditions, band, and support from the student body and alumni. Plus there's a great eating place, Chicken Oil Co . What an atmosphere. Besides Texas won 40-29! I must thank my frieds the Holloways for the great ticket. We sat on the 18th row, on the south end zone, right next to the Longhorn band . What a sight! We were able to watch the Horns come in and out of the locker room. AND we were behind the Longhord bench. I have included some pictures from the experience. Check them out. This is The Gang! Yes. . .I am the only one dressed appropriately Ryan and me - Ryan was interim youth pastor at Carpente...

Looking forward to Friday!!

Have a great Thanksgiving! Hope you have had as well. Ate lots, took a nap, watched the stinkin' Dallas Cowboys give a game away - again. Went to see the movie Yours, Mine, and Ours and laughed a lot. Go see it. Well, it's here - Texas v. Texas A&M . Tommorrow I will be going to the game with some frieds, the Holloways of Lufkin, TX , really they're more like family. I will be the only Longhorn fan in the group, at least as far as I can tell. It doesn't help that James, they're son, attends A&M. I am looking forward to going to the game for several reasons: 1) I have never been to a game at Kyle Field 2) I have never been to a Longhorn game 3) I will get to do both tomorrow 4) I will be with great friends/family 5) Texas will probably win! More tomorrow. Mike

Check it out

Some have asked about the bike. I also promised pics. So here they are. Enjoy. Yes, I'm wearing chaps. On my trip to Panama City they were quite handy, Thank you!! Let me know what you think. Mike "Bugs" Shipp

One for the books

Well, I've got my first road trip under my belt. Oh. . .I may have forgot to say that I bought a Harley last week. I bought a 2001 XL 1200 with Screaming Eagle pipes and performance kit. It not only sounds cool, it rides great. I went to Panama City Beach, Florida to meet with a group called Cutting Edgucators. It's a group of guys who do what I do in churches who aren't afraid to try new things to reach people and make disciples. We share and discuss ideas, challenge one another, and encourage each other. It was great to get together with friends and co-laborers in the Kingdom of God. I left on Thursday about noon. It was a little cool, but the wind in my face, Ipod in my ear, and the rumble of a Harley under my butt made the weather a minor thing. Coming back the sun was out, a little warm when I began, but it cooled off as the sun went down. Regardless, I loved every minute of it. I can't wait 'til my next road trip. Oh yeah, the amount of moula spent o...

BCS Right?

The question of the year - will the BCS - FINALLY - be right? USC & Texas (Hook 'em Horns) are ranked 1 & 2 respectively. With 'Bama's loss yesterday, that leaves the Trojans and Longhorns as the only two undefeated teams in Division 1. Sooo. . . if they finish the season undefeated and play each other for the national championship the BCS will have gotten it right - FINALLY!!! And if they do play in the national championship game who do you think will win? Comment or email me. I would like to know what you think. Mike