A lesson for the ages
If there's one thing I learned from a fellow man - never allow police to approach you with tasers, especially if you're naked. According to this article police found a man naked, breaking windows and asking women to touch him. When police approached him he ran and that's when the pain of the ages catches up with this guy.
The police shot their tasers and one of the prongs attached itself to his genitalia. That's a pain I don't even want to think about. I'm sure he didn't either.
So. . .lesson learned? If you're naked and the police approach you and they're carrying tasers - DON'T RUN!!
I'm still squinting,
The police shot their tasers and one of the prongs attached itself to his genitalia. That's a pain I don't even want to think about. I'm sure he didn't either.
So. . .lesson learned? If you're naked and the police approach you and they're carrying tasers - DON'T RUN!!
I'm still squinting,