What do you really mean?
One of the things that has caught my ear (and my mind - I know, it's a sick one) is what people say. Often times we say or write things that I question. I ask, "Is that what they really mean?", or "As opposed to. . .?" Think about it for a moment. Here are some things I've read or heard recently that made me wonder what they were thinking: 1) Full-gospel church - like the rest of us only preach half of the gospel - still wondering about this one. 2) Imitation suede/leather - why don't they just say it's real (authentic) fake stuff 3) Speed checked by radar - as opposed to checking with a watch? Isn't this how law enforcement monitors our speed - OK, I was in Lousiana when I saw this one? 4) Classis Rock - what they're really trying to say is that real rock music has been relegated to the "oldies" but not the really old stuff (50's) - man, I'm starting to feel old now 5) Partly cloudy - as opposed to partly sunny...