Leadership Architecture
My wife, Cindy, is a geek. Not in the same way I'm a geek. While I'm a tech geek, she's an architecture geek. She loves books on architecture and design. She knows lines, styles, and designs. I'm really impressed with her knowledge, especially when it comes to types of homes - ranch, colonial, Victorian, Cape Cod, bungalow, and craftsman (here favorite). The only reason I know them is the time and patience she has shown in educating me. See, an old dog can learn new tricks! If you are a leader you are an architect . As a leader you are design environments. . .organizational cultures. I first realized this years ago while reading Erwin McManus ' An Unstoppable Force: Daring to Become the Church God Had in Mind . In it he shared how he saw himself as the Chief Architect of Mosaic , the church he began several years ago. As chief architect it was his responsibility to lead Mosaic in creating an environment/culture where God wa...