What do you like to do?

A couple of years ago Cindy and I escaped to Gulf Shores, AL to enjoy the sun and the sand (OK, I DON’T enjoy the sand part).  We really enjoyed the time together and spending  some time with old friends.  On the way there I was writing in my journal and realized that I really like to write in my journal.  I love grabbing a pen and my journal and just writing my thoughts.  For me, there’s just something about writing it down on paper. I can’t explain it.  It’s like my internal comfort button gets pushed and held while I write. Yes, I know I’m weird.

 I like writing for many reasons.  One of the reasons I like writing in my journal is that I don’t have to follow any particular structure.  I write in first, second, and third person – and it’s quite possible that it’s all in the same sentence.  I admit it’s a bit unconventional, but that’s what I like about it. I’ve never been very good with grammar and sentence structure, so it doesn’t always read very well.  It’s probably akin to more of the way I talk. . .and yes, that can be confusing at times.
Side note:  OK, I have to ask, how many of us actually speak the way things are written?  If you’re from the south, not many!  Let’s just name it and claim it! Testify y’all!
My journal is just a conglomeration of me being me! It’s a collection of thoughts, struggles, time with God, notes, and just about anything that comes to mind. There’s pictures I’ve drawn of how I feel or what God has impressed upon me.  You would also find a process, or two, that I’ve been working through, complete with arrows, boxes, notes,  and scribbles.  Within the covers there are my quiet time discoveries and testaments to some my greatest theological wrestling matches.  In there is where I vent about life.  And it’s  the launching pad of a thousand dreams.

I keep thinking about what I could do with that?  How could  God use something like the love of unconventional writing?  I could blog – that’s what you’re reading now.  I’ve been doing that off and on for several years now. 
My first blog was In the Midst of the Valley – It’s my journey/story of loosing my first wife, Karen, to cancer.

I’m still  trying to figure this one out.  Maybe my journaling is just an outlet for all that rumbles around inside this warehouse of body and mind.  Then again, what if God wants to use it somehow.  I wonder how He would do that and what shape it would take?  Like I said, I’m still working on it.  It’s smoldering.

Let me ask you some questions:  

  • What do you like to do?  
  • And what if. . .what if you allowed God access to that like?  
  • What would it look like for you? 
  • What if you could do what you like to do and do it for God?

Just something to think about.


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