Necessity & Influence
Not too long ago Cindy started a new position at Legacy - Good Samaritan Hospital in north Portland. The position requires her to work three twelve hour shifts a week. So her Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday is 6:00 am to 6:30 pm. So far she's killing it!
Because she has to be in north Portland by 6:00 am she has to leave the house no later than 5:30. . .and, yes, it's still dark out. This necessitates that she gets up around 5:00 am. And if Cindy gets up at 5:00, so does the rest of the house And when I mean the rest of the house I am referring to yours truly. . .no, I'm not bitter or anything.
Anyway. . .her (our) necessity for getting up at 5:00 am influences what time we go to bed. It's usually no later than 9:00 pm and sometimes by 8:00 we're heading that way. Just depends on the kind of day we've had.
The necessity for her to get up so early also determines what we do in the hour or two between her getting home and going to bed. Sometimes we'll have dinner and talk. Yes, guys, WE talk. That means I have to listen. . .I mean, GET to listen to her. Sometimes we'll pick a show and just sit and veg.
But all that is influenced by the necessity of her having to be at work so early.
Necessity to accomplish the mission/vision in your church or organization influences what and how things get done.
The necessity to make a profit will determine how you spend the company's money or how much you charge for a product or services.
Necessity to have a roof over your head influences how much house you will buy or that you make your mortgage payment on time.
The necessity to eat will influence how hard you look for a job or work to keep yours.
The necessity to be successful at anything will influence how much time you're willing to devote to the process, product, or relationship(s).
Necessity to build relationships with your neighbors will influence how much time you spend with them.
I think you get the picture.
Some questions to think about:
Need to address the necessity of know God deeper. . .that influences that I spend time with him.
Later 'Gator,
Because she has to be in north Portland by 6:00 am she has to leave the house no later than 5:30. . .and, yes, it's still dark out. This necessitates that she gets up around 5:00 am. And if Cindy gets up at 5:00, so does the rest of the house And when I mean the rest of the house I am referring to yours truly. . .no, I'm not bitter or anything.
Anyway. . .her (our) necessity for getting up at 5:00 am influences what time we go to bed. It's usually no later than 9:00 pm and sometimes by 8:00 we're heading that way. Just depends on the kind of day we've had.
The necessity for her to get up so early also determines what we do in the hour or two between her getting home and going to bed. Sometimes we'll have dinner and talk. Yes, guys, WE talk. That means I have to listen. . .I mean, GET to listen to her. Sometimes we'll pick a show and just sit and veg.
But all that is influenced by the necessity of her having to be at work so early.
Side Note: Let me say that necessity is relative. What one person perceives as a necessity another may not. Someone else in Cindy's position may not need as much sleep and, therefore, won't be influenced to go to bed as early as we do. With that in mind we continue.Necessity is the great influencer.
Necessity to accomplish the mission/vision in your church or organization influences what and how things get done.
The necessity to make a profit will determine how you spend the company's money or how much you charge for a product or services.
Necessity to have a roof over your head influences how much house you will buy or that you make your mortgage payment on time.
The necessity to eat will influence how hard you look for a job or work to keep yours.
The necessity to be successful at anything will influence how much time you're willing to devote to the process, product, or relationship(s).
Necessity to build relationships with your neighbors will influence how much time you spend with them.
I think you get the picture.
Some questions to think about:
- What are the areas you're feeling or seeing necessity in your life?
- What areas does that necessity influence in your life?
- How are you coping with both the necessity and influence? Like it, live with it, hating it, thriving, etc.
Need to address the necessity of know God deeper. . .that influences that I spend time with him.
Later 'Gator,