Annual Reading
This morning I began my annual reading of the Christmas story - the birth of Christ. Normally, I read both Old & New Testament passages while asking God to show me something new about the birth of Jesus. In the past God has taken me to Jesus' parents, His lineage, God's love for us, even to the gospel. Each one of these has help provide me a fuller understanding of the birth of Jesus.
This morning I really didn't get a chance to read many of the passages. In fact, as I prayed about it before I even opened up His Word, God began impressing upon me Isaiah 7:14 -
Immanuel. . .Hebrew for "God with us." That term, that concept has always struck a deep chord within me. It has fascinated me for a long time. I don't know exactly why, but it has. I mean, think about it. . .GOD WITH US! That's incredibly amazing stuff. I am in total awe that God CHOSE. . .consciously chose. . .to enter our world as one of us. Didn't have to, but He did. And that just blows me away!
Not only is this inextricably fascinating, but is powerful to those of who need a Savior (that would be all of us). Have you ever thought, "God, why would want to be here?" or "Jesus, why did you give it all up to enter into our world, to walk among us, to live with us?" I can't really explain it, but, Holy Moly, am I glad you chose to.
Thank you, Jesus, for stepping out of heaven and into my world. Thank you for walking among us. Thank you for coming as you did. If you had not, God would have been a liar, you could have never been the perfect redeemer, and I, nor anyone else, would have had a chance at a relationship with a gracious God.
Stop for a moment and thank God for coming to us in order to be the perfect sacrifice for the penalty of our sins. Then thank Jesus for coming. . .for giving up so much to be human with all our frailties and faults to become that perfect sacrifice.
What is God revealing to you about the Christmas story?
"O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel",
This morning I really didn't get a chance to read many of the passages. In fact, as I prayed about it before I even opened up His Word, God began impressing upon me Isaiah 7:14 -
"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel."
Immanuel. . .Hebrew for "God with us." That term, that concept has always struck a deep chord within me. It has fascinated me for a long time. I don't know exactly why, but it has. I mean, think about it. . .GOD WITH US! That's incredibly amazing stuff. I am in total awe that God CHOSE. . .consciously chose. . .to enter our world as one of us. Didn't have to, but He did. And that just blows me away!
Not only is this inextricably fascinating, but is powerful to those of who need a Savior (that would be all of us). Have you ever thought, "God, why would want to be here?" or "Jesus, why did you give it all up to enter into our world, to walk among us, to live with us?" I can't really explain it, but, Holy Moly, am I glad you chose to.
Thank you, Jesus, for stepping out of heaven and into my world. Thank you for walking among us. Thank you for coming as you did. If you had not, God would have been a liar, you could have never been the perfect redeemer, and I, nor anyone else, would have had a chance at a relationship with a gracious God.
Stop for a moment and thank God for coming to us in order to be the perfect sacrifice for the penalty of our sins. Then thank Jesus for coming. . .for giving up so much to be human with all our frailties and faults to become that perfect sacrifice.
What is God revealing to you about the Christmas story?
"O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel",