Expect the Enemy
Ever found that when you begin something for God or respond to His calling that life tends to heat up - not in a good way, but in a struggling way? Why are we so surprised when the enemy shows up? Like our greatest rival didn't have a clue what we were up to. What's up with that?! Believe it or not it didn't begin with you and it won't end with you. In the first year of the rule of Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, he sent the captive Israelites back to Jerusalem to re-build the temple of God. He even returned the articles used in worship & sacrifice in the temple to take back to Jerusalem ( Ezra 1-6 ). Of course, it would be wonderful if that was the end of the story, wouldn't it? I'm not so sure that it would be so wonderful. Stick with me here. So, the Israelites head back to Jerusalem, set up life & shop, and begin work on the temple. If that's all that happened God would definitely received the glory. But life's never that easy, is it...