What Would You Do?
Have you ever faced a situation that you felt, or knew, you were totally unprepared for? Something you absolutely knew was over your head? Parenting? A project at work? Marriage? A relationship? A situation with a friend? Know what I mean?
I have to admit that I've been there a number of times - new positions, a new responsibility that falls under number 13 on the job description - you know, the one that says "And additional responsibilities as assigned by your supervisor," or a problem at the office. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
If you're anything like me you just push on. If you know me you know I tend to work harder. I seek out people to give me advice. I read up on it, as though learning more about it will give me the "wonder answer" I'm looking for. Yep, that's what I do. More times than not, my attitude is "I won't let this beat me." Like I'm in some kinda competition or something. What's up with that? Now, I understand that none of these are bad options. I should seek wise counsel. I should become knowledgeable about it. I should work a little harder. But what if there's was another first step I could and should take.
Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, found himself in an insurmountable situation. In 2 Chronicles 20 we're told that the Ammonites and the Moabites along with some others were coming after Judah. In verse 2 Jehoshaphat is told that a vast army is approaching. Now Jehoshaphat could have done a million things to get ready for the conflict. Yet, you know what he did?
Ever thought about what it would look like if you as parent, family leader, supervisor, employee, friend, pastor, community leader, or ministry leader stoop up and said, "I haven't a clue, but let's get with God and hear what He has to say? That's powerful.
First of all, just admitting you don't know what to do as a leader is honest, humbling, and shows your humanity. It also reveals your lack of power. Seeking God, though, shows that you know the source of power. I know this could be risky in the corporate/business world and in neighborhood/community settings. And it may take some time to ease into the seeking God part. But imagine if our pastors, church leaders, elders, deacons, or teachers did this? HOLY MOLY!!!!!! I think there would be such a difference in our churches that the community would have to take notice.
Allow me to encourage you today. . .this week. . .that when you encounter a situation that is over your head, or seems insurmountable, you admit to your people, children, wife, friends, ministry, or staff that you ain't got a clue and we're seeking God for an answer. I know it sounds risky, but I think God loves it when He's lifted up, sought after, and given the chance to show His power and get the glory.
By the way. Judah won the battle without ever raising a sword, spear, or arrow. They simply gathered the plunder. . .and that took three stinkin' days! How cool is that?!!!
Take a chance. . .on God. What have you got to lose?
Going to God,
I have to admit that I've been there a number of times - new positions, a new responsibility that falls under number 13 on the job description - you know, the one that says "And additional responsibilities as assigned by your supervisor," or a problem at the office. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
If you're anything like me you just push on. If you know me you know I tend to work harder. I seek out people to give me advice. I read up on it, as though learning more about it will give me the "wonder answer" I'm looking for. Yep, that's what I do. More times than not, my attitude is "I won't let this beat me." Like I'm in some kinda competition or something. What's up with that? Now, I understand that none of these are bad options. I should seek wise counsel. I should become knowledgeable about it. I should work a little harder. But what if there's was another first step I could and should take.
Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, found himself in an insurmountable situation. In 2 Chronicles 20 we're told that the Ammonites and the Moabites along with some others were coming after Judah. In verse 2 Jehoshaphat is told that a vast army is approaching. Now Jehoshaphat could have done a million things to get ready for the conflict. Yet, you know what he did?
Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the LORD, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. 4 The people of Judah came together to seek help from the LORD; indeed, they came from every town in Judah to seek him.That's right. He called the people of Judah together to seek what God wanted them to do and to fast - to prepare their hearts to hear from God. Then, he prayed - not in his prayer closet or in his office, or in his chariot with the windows rolled up so no one would hear him. Nope, not this guy. He put himself in front of the people of Judah and sought God's heart. As he ended his prayer he said. . .
. . . "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you."Wow. Here's the leader of a nation standing before his people and openly admits that he doesn't have a clue as to what to do. What do you think the people thought? Scared? Worried? Anxious? Bothered? Maybe, but that would only be natural. But in light of that they were seeking God's face and in doing took this very seriously. Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah did prepare their heart to hear from God. It wasn't some willy-nilly approach to seeking God.
Ever thought about what it would look like if you as parent, family leader, supervisor, employee, friend, pastor, community leader, or ministry leader stoop up and said, "I haven't a clue, but let's get with God and hear what He has to say? That's powerful.
First of all, just admitting you don't know what to do as a leader is honest, humbling, and shows your humanity. It also reveals your lack of power. Seeking God, though, shows that you know the source of power. I know this could be risky in the corporate/business world and in neighborhood/community settings. And it may take some time to ease into the seeking God part. But imagine if our pastors, church leaders, elders, deacons, or teachers did this? HOLY MOLY!!!!!! I think there would be such a difference in our churches that the community would have to take notice.
Allow me to encourage you today. . .this week. . .that when you encounter a situation that is over your head, or seems insurmountable, you admit to your people, children, wife, friends, ministry, or staff that you ain't got a clue and we're seeking God for an answer. I know it sounds risky, but I think God loves it when He's lifted up, sought after, and given the chance to show His power and get the glory.
By the way. Judah won the battle without ever raising a sword, spear, or arrow. They simply gathered the plunder. . .and that took three stinkin' days! How cool is that?!!!
Take a chance. . .on God. What have you got to lose?
Going to God,