Pushing God Out
I've been reading through 2 Chronicles. And as Israel was being divided into Judah and Israel I noticed something.
I did at first. Then I was thinking back through that passage this morning and thought to myself, "Mike, how many times have you pushed God out of your life?" It was very stinkin' convicting. I don't know if you thought of that (not about me, but about yourself), but when was the last time you did something you knew didn't please, honor, or glorify God? Then, that was the last time you pushed God out and worshiped the god of your emotions, desires, or thinking. God has a word for that. It's called SIN and everyone of us do it.
That's right. Every time we do something that doesn't draw us or someone else closer to God we worship ourselves and our own idols and gods. Pretty harsh? Yeah, but that's because God wants every part of us all the time. He doesn't just want us when we feel like it or have a warm fuzzy weekend at church or camp. It's a 24/7 deal.
This week try to be conscious of the times when you push God out and when you do find yourself at that point stop for a moment, confess it, then take steps to keep from doing it again (repentance).
Pulling God in,
***SIDENOTE: Now remember that Rehoboam (Solomon's son) became king of Judah and Jeroboam became king of Israel. I know that trying to keep up the names and who's who can be confusing, but this is all you need to know for now.***Ok, getting back to the story. So in chapter 11 is says . . .
13The priests and Levites from all their districts throughout Israel sided with him. 14 The Levites even abandoned their pasturelands and property, and came to Judah and Jerusalem because Jeroboam and his sons had rejected them as priests of the LORD. 15 And he appointed his own priests for the high places and for the goat and calf idols he had made. 16 Those from every tribe of Israel who set their hearts on seeking the LORD, the God of Israel, followed the Levites to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices to the LORD, the God of their fathers. 17 They strengthened the kingdom of Judah and supported Rehoboam son of Solomon three years, walking in the ways of David and Solomon during this time.You might want to read it again. I did. And as I did I realized that Jeroboam began pushing God out of Israel. He even went as far as to appoint his own priests for the idols and god he had began worshiping. Man, that's harsh. How many of you thought, "Mm, Mm, Mmmm. He's done gone and messed up!". . .or something like that?
I did at first. Then I was thinking back through that passage this morning and thought to myself, "Mike, how many times have you pushed God out of your life?" It was very stinkin' convicting. I don't know if you thought of that (not about me, but about yourself), but when was the last time you did something you knew didn't please, honor, or glorify God? Then, that was the last time you pushed God out and worshiped the god of your emotions, desires, or thinking. God has a word for that. It's called SIN and everyone of us do it.
That's right. Every time we do something that doesn't draw us or someone else closer to God we worship ourselves and our own idols and gods. Pretty harsh? Yeah, but that's because God wants every part of us all the time. He doesn't just want us when we feel like it or have a warm fuzzy weekend at church or camp. It's a 24/7 deal.
This week try to be conscious of the times when you push God out and when you do find yourself at that point stop for a moment, confess it, then take steps to keep from doing it again (repentance).
Pulling God in,