I'm Such a Geek!

Cindy constantly reminds me how much of a geek I truly am. And I always agree with her. I would rather be playing with code and trying new things on my laptop and the internet than almost anything else. Remember, I'm still a man and I'm still a newly wed - WOOHOO!!!

Today I'm trying out Google Docs and Google Calendar. I'm helping out my friend Stacey with a presentation for a church plant idea in the Kingwood, TX area. Google Docs lets us view the presentation online together and make needed tweeks. It's doesn't provide the full spectrum of options that PowerPoint does, but it doesn't look too bad, either.

Google Calendar is an online calendar that allows me to import my calendar from MS Outlook (or any calendaring program you can export to a .csv) , then share that calendar with friends, family, co-workers and the whole world if I want to. Or I can keep it private along with any particular appointments I want to keep private. This would work great with staff guys working out of their homes and need a common calendar. It also allows Cindy to see what's going on in my ministry - speaking engagements, camps, trips, etc. While I'm away or just away from the house.

I think Google Calendar even has an online To Do list. I wish it had the ability to store contacts, then I may even consider getting rid of Outlook. The only problem I see is working off-line. But they do have an off-line feature that I'll have to look into.

Anyway. . .now you see why Cindy thinks I'm such a geek. And why I concur. You probably do to by now.



Cindy said…
Yeah, but did you tell the readers at home what you called me a geek about and why? What is one of my nerdy obsessions that I get a thrill about, while you look at me with a glazed look in your eyes? :) What was one of my early majors in college? I must say though, you are truly gracious to let me read it to you when I get excited about learning something new about it. Thanks!

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