Easter Preparation & Easter

Each year I read the different accounts of Jesus' last night on earth, his arrest, trial, sentence, death, burial, and resurrection. I did the same this year.

While I read the different gospel accounts of his death, burial, and resurrection, I (we = Cindy & me) did something a little different. We grabbed a quick bite to eat then came home and watched the Passion of the Christ. Even though I know there's some artistic license being taken, it still amazes me what he willingly suffered on my account.

Sunday morning, rather than going and praying with our pastor and several men who meet each Sunday morning at 6:00 am, Cindy suggested I stay home and she and I celebrate Easter with our own sunrise service. Yes! Cindy got up at 6:00 am! We met in the living room where we read the arrest, trial, death, and burial of Jesus from the Gospel of John. Then we spent some time in prayer and confession.

Afterwards we shared communion together. I have to admit, it did have a different feel to it. Not because we weren't in church, but because of the visual and textual reminder of the suffering of Christ to pay the penalty of my sin.

Then we continued to read of His marvelous resurrection and the appearances to the Mary Magdeline, the Apostles, and even to Thomas. We spent some additional time in prayer - praising and worshiping God for a RISEN Savior! Finally, Cindy led us in the singing of some hymns declaring the risen Savior.

Missing out on praying with the guys was not near as a big of a deal when it compares to worshiping with your wife on a day of celebration like Easter!



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