Lazy, Hazy Days of . . .fall?

Oh man, it's a great day here and it's going to be one of those days. The weather is spectacular here in LA (Lower Alabama). There's a slight breeze, the sun is shining, and it's somewhere between 75-80 degrees. The high is only supposed to be 85 today.

And you know what? I dont' feel like doing anything, but resting. Been spending some time in God's Word this morning and in prayer. That's always good. Just finished posting a blog on In the Midst of the Valley. Been reading some other blogs - always something strange, funny, or insightful.

A few things I MUST do today
  • Wal-Mart - cats like to eat, though Lucy could stand to lose a few pounds
  • Finances - probably ought to figure out how much money I really do have - want to be a good steward
  • Bank - bill collectors like it when there's money in my account
  • Cars - new registration stickers and clean them and the motorcycle
  • Men's Bible Study - go over lesson again, set up and lead study tonight
  • Run - need to keep up discipline, it's another 2 mile run today
Other than that, it's all about me today. Can I do that? Hmmmm. . . will have to think about that one.

Well. . .it's off to do something. Haven't quite decided which one to start with. Oh well, I'll figure that out later.

Later 'Gator,


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