Camp is Good!

I'm home from a week at a student camp - Camp Chaparral. I was there teaching students how God created them for a place of ministry and encouraging them to involved - somehow. . .somewhere. I was also the guest of Pam & Steve Sparks. They are wonderful friends from my Lufkin days. Steve is the Assistant Director of the camp.

Better give a shout out to the staff - Hey Mike, David, Heather, Doug, Tim, Nate, Govani (spelling?) - thanks for a great week. These guys work really, really hard to make your camp stay the greatest. And it was.

But I'm exhausted!

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm getting too old for this kind of thing? The worship was great - thanks to the brown band! Hey Michell, Gabi, Rooster, Noah, and #14. They'll get it.

Jon Randles really challenged us with his messages - 7 Marks of a Disciple. Need a speaker that speaks truth with wisdom? Get Randles. College or students. He's good.

But the late nights and early mornings - WHEW!! It doesn't do a body good, especially this one.

Did get to hang with Mom last night. She picked me up and we had the evening together. I fear I wasn't much fun, though. I was tired and didn't feel like talking much. Oh well.

I will provide pics and stories later, thought I would update the ol' blog-a-roo.



Anonymous said…
Do not fear!!! Hanging with you is enough. I love just being with you words or no words.
I treasure each moment.
Thank you for just hanging...
Anonymous said…
I wanted to leave a comment regarding one of your previous blogs regarding the new Superman movie. I was listening to Power 88 radio early Monday morning to "Doug and Karla", the were interviewing the author of Superman I believe. Anyway, they were discussing how some of the movie correlated with the Bible and Jesus' life. Like I said it was 'early' in the morning so you may need to go to the Power 88 radio website to get the details from the Morning Show with Doug and Karla about the interview. I write this because you wrote about a moral issue about them getting jiggy with it. In superman 2, Louis and Superman slept together but towards the end of the movie Superman had to erase her memory. No, this does not justify anything, but it may clear the confusion or may confuse you even more for that matter. I think Im confusing myself by trying to explain it. All I know is that the interview was relevant because it was talking about what your concern was on your blog regarding the movie. Check the website out to clrify if you are interested.
Anonymous said…
Did you find out about the Superman interview? Just curious. I wanted to know more 'details' myself.
MikeS said…

I, too, heard parts of the interview. I have checked a couple of web sites that note the parallels between Superman and Jesus. I think there are a lot of similarities, but they stop where Lois and Superman have a son together and Lois is living with a man she won't marry and hasn't told her "boy friend" that the son she has is Superman's.

The parallels between Superman and Jesus are numerous. Too numerous in fact to list her.

The one thing I THOUGHT I heard Tuesday morning was something the person being interviewed said about Lois having a miraculous birth because Superman and Lois didn't have a sexual encounter. Sorry, I don't buy it. How can it be his son if he is a parallel Jesus? And I refer to Perry White's reference to Lois' article entitled "I Spent the Night With Superman."

I just think that before we start drawing direct parallels we need to look at the entire picture presented by the movies.

I still agree that there are both character traits as well as personalistic parallels that can be made. And I'm sure someone will definitely use them. Just be careful where you draw the line.
Anonymous said…
Thanks buggy-buggy! I knew i could count on you to research and clarify the details for me! I agree with you, just didn't understand all the details that they were talking about. Thanks for your help. Your awesome!
Anonymous said…
Thanks buggy-buggy! I knew i could count on you to research and clarify the details for me! I agree with you, just didn't understand all the details that they were talking about. Thanks for your help. Your awesome!
MikeS said…
Glad I could be of assistance

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