Sometimes - It's about the people
To be honest - ministry is work. It takes time, it takes energy, it takes creativity (here's where I need help), it takes organization, it takes planning, and it takes heart! So. . .it's not all about gathering with other Christians singing Kum By Ya and holding hands and smiling.
But then there's those times when it's good - ALL good. There are those times when we just hang out with people. Yes, sometimes it's about the people, and I am so blessed to serve with a couple of people who are honest with me, laugh with me, argue with me, and love students with me.
Wednesday, Stephen, Whitney, and I went to look at the summer calendar and did all the above. Whitney even drove Pia (my Passat) and I got to just play DJ with the iPod and listen to Stephen's wild and crazy adventures growing up in the Mobile area. If he's missing any fingers just think alligator wrestling!
They keep my butt out of the wringer and take care of the details and the leg work to make sure things happen like they are supposed to.

Here's a couple of pictures from our outing. We were in Fairhope with Mobile behind us across the bay.

They/we make a great team. Keep up the great work guys!
But then there's those times when it's good - ALL good. There are those times when we just hang out with people. Yes, sometimes it's about the people, and I am so blessed to serve with a couple of people who are honest with me, laugh with me, argue with me, and love students with me.
Wednesday, Stephen, Whitney, and I went to look at the summer calendar and did all the above. Whitney even drove Pia (my Passat) and I got to just play DJ with the iPod and listen to Stephen's wild and crazy adventures growing up in the Mobile area. If he's missing any fingers just think alligator wrestling!
They keep my butt out of the wringer and take care of the details and the leg work to make sure things happen like they are supposed to.

Here's a couple of pictures from our outing. We were in Fairhope with Mobile behind us across the bay.

They/we make a great team. Keep up the great work guys!