Rubbin' is Racin'

My dad and I were in Mobile, AL this weekend looking for a house. Found one, made an offer, now waiting to here back from owners. I also found out that there are people in at least two states who also beleive in the "speed up or get over" theory of driving. In fact, they drive at least as fast as I do, if not faster!

OK - the speed limit's 70 mph. I'm doing 80 and I'm only passing the old people who believe the actual driving speed on I-10 IS 70 mph. Everyone else was running up behind me and pushing me out of the way. At one point I was driving 90 just to pass cars so I could get out of the way of the lady in the black Maxima (whose hood ornament I could not see in my review mirror).

Now I know I'm new to this part of the south (I say that with a smile), but I think they are getting way too serioud about this NASCAR stuff. I'm just glad that we didn't get to the rubbin' is racin' stuff.

Looks like I'll be investing in a driving suit and helmet for Christmas and birthday, especially if I spend any amount of time on I-10.

Startin' my engine,


MikeS said…
You know my thinking - I feel the need for speed!


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