Christmas is Here. . .Almost!
Christmas is here! Well, almost. You ready? If you're a guy, you still have today and tomorrow to wrap up that gift buying thing. How many of you are thankful for online shopping and overnight delivery? Yeah, go for it, buddy!!!

I know, from my own experience, that not everyone looks forward to Christmas for any number of reasons. There was a period in my life that It was kinda hard for me, too. So I'm not assuming anything here. If Christmas is difficult for you, I'm so sorry. I wish, with all that's within me, it was different for you.
Christmas is one of my favorite celebrations. I love that God sent His Son…our Redeemer…as a child, that's so much like God. Isn't it? I love that we celebrate His coming. What an incredible way to introduce His Son to the world. I mean, Holy Moly!! Not exactly the way I would have done it. But then, I'm not God, eh?
I love the atmosphere…maybe it's more the spirit of Christmas, not really sure what that means, but I love it. I appreciate the decorations AFTER they are up. Know this…I DO NOT like decorating. But Cindy does a great job decorating our house for Christmas. I REALLY enjoy the music, both Christian and secular. The music really does it for me. It can put me in the "Christmas" mood in an instant.
This year I'm having fun watching Joshua discover what Christmas is about. He's so funny. He knows who Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus are. And he dances around the living room whenever upbeat Christmas music starts playing.
Here he is with Cindy at WEE School during his Christmas party. He's sportin' his handmade Santa hat and a red face. Yep, they had cupcakes with red icing. Can you tell?
Here he is with Cindy at WEE School during his Christmas party. He's sportin' his handmade Santa hat and a red face. Yep, they had cupcakes with red icing. Can you tell?

I know, from my own experience, that not everyone looks forward to Christmas for any number of reasons. There was a period in my life that It was kinda hard for me, too. So I'm not assuming anything here. If Christmas is difficult for you, I'm so sorry. I wish, with all that's within me, it was different for you.
What do you enjoy about Christmas? What's your favorite part?
Get that shopping done, Fellas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!