The Like Button

I've been a part of Facebook since 2007.  I remember when "poking" someone was cool or collecting or sending badges was funny.  But one thing I have trouble with sometimes is the stinkin' Like button. Here's why. . .some people don't know when or how to use it.  If you think about it for a second you will probably remember a time when you didn't know whether you should comment on a friends post or not so you just hit the Like button. . .or you saw where someone else did and you thought, "What?"

You know what I'm talking about - like the time a friend lost a loved one and your or someone they know "Liked" it.  What?!  What are you liking? That does not make any sense to me.  Or take any tragic event in a person's life and I will guarantee you someone will "Like" it.  

I think people Like stuff so frequently that sometimes they don't even think about what they are Liking and don't stop to consider what it means to Like something.  It just shows how easy it is for us to become creatures of habit. . .and to become lazy. I think some people have become Like-aholics.  It's as though they have to Like a post or they will explode.  In fact, there's probably a 12-step program for Like-aholics somewhere.  You know someone woke up one day and realized they didn't have to Like everything, but didn't know what to do about, so they began a Celebrate Recovery class or a 12-Step program to get over it and to help others.  I'm not surprised I haven't seen a commercial for a rehab facility or lawyers who can get you the compensation you deserve for the relationship you destroyed for an inappropriate Like.  Think about. . .you know you will!

Hey Facebook peeps!  That's not what the Like button is for.  Take some time to think before you click!  Don't Like everything you read.  And here's a suggestion. . .write something on their wall or not at all!  It's OK!!  You WILL live another day!!  AHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!

Ok, rant over.




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