Jesus is Alive. . .or is He?

Jesus is Alive!  It's the reason Christ-followers celebrate Easter.  It's the reason we get all dressed up, go all out at church,  and, for at least one Sunday out of the year, people show up to worship with smiles on their faces.  It's like we're actually excited and glad to be there!

But what about the rest of the year. . .the other Sundays?  Why are we not as excited to worship a risen Savior, study God's Word together, and encourage one another?  Are these opportunities less important?  Is Jesus less alive, or not alive at all?  What about our everyday lives - assignments at work, disciplining children, car lines, meals, intimate moments with your spouse. . . - are they less important, is Jesus less alive then?  Another way to look at it might be to ask, shouldn't we just as excited as we are on Easter Sunday?  Shouldn't we go all out in these moments as well?  Shouldn't Christ be at the center of these moments?

Sometimes I think we get so excited about one day of the year that we forget He's alive the rest of the year, as well.  Life gets in the way and overshadows the fact that we do worship and serve a risen Savior.  It happens.

I believe Jesus is Alive!!  And I really enjoy Easter Sunday.  I do.  But I want to live like He's Alive, not just on Easter Sunday, but every day. . .every Sunday!

What about you?

He's Alive,


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