
Showing posts from April, 2014

What Now?

Jesus has been crucified and buried.  It's the Sabbath.  The day of rest. For westerners it's Saturday, the day between Jesus' death and His resurrection.  For us it's a time of both sadness and expectation. But for those that were there that day what was it for them? Reading through the crucifixion and resurrection I began to think about the different people whose lives are intertwined in those events.  I wonder what were they thinking?  What were they doing?  How did Jesus' death affect them? Peter - after denying Jesus 3 times, just as Jesus predicted, what was going through his mind.  I can only  imagine the swarm of emotions he must have been  wrestling with.  Where was he now? James & John - along with Peter, these two made up the inner circle, Jesus had been telling them for a while this was going to happen.  Did they finally get it?    What did they do next?  Where did they go?  What was ...

Jesus is Alive. . .or is He?

Jesus is Alive!  It's the reason Christ-followers celebrate Easter.  It's the reason we get all dressed up, go all out at church,  and, for at least one Sunday out of the year, people show up to worship with smiles on their faces.  It's like we're actually excited and glad to be there! But what about the rest of the year. . .the other Sundays?  Why are we not as excited to worship a risen Savior, study God's Word together, and encourage one another?  Are these opportunities less important?  Is Jesus less alive, or not alive at all?  What about our everyday lives - assignments at work, disciplining children, car lines, meals, intimate moments with your spouse. . . - are they less important, is Jesus less alive then?  Another way to look at it might be to ask, shouldn't we just as excited as we are on Easter Sunday?  Shouldn't we go all out in these moments as well?  Shouldn't Christ be at the center of these moments? Sometimes I ...

Holy Week

For Christians this week is special.  It's the week leading up to the betrayal, trial, and death of Jesus.  This morning in preparation for Easter, the celebration of His resurrection, I began reading of Jesus' last days as recorded in the gospels.  I had forgotten how much Jesus taught, confronted, ministered, and served in those last days, all the while He knew what lie in wait for Him. Every second of every minute drew Him closer to the end of His time here.  And the end wouldn't be pretty.  Instead, it would be painful. . .oh so painful. . .in more ways than one. How did He do it?  How could He do it? I can't imagine living my life knowing these were the last days. . .the emotions, the thoughts, the words,  the sights, the smells.  And yet, Jesus does it.  He remains focused on the mission God gave Him years before. Nothing, not even the thought of betrayal, beatings, or death prevented Him from accomplishing  the very thing God ...